infrared sauna experience


We recommend wearing clothing that is loose fitting and comfortable to put back on after your session.

Because toxins are also removed through your sweat, drinking sufficient amounts of water maximises the detoxification process. During one sauna session, you can lose up to 2% of your body weight in water.
Most people do not drink enough water to begin with and now that you are using an infrared sauna and sweating, it is even more important to stay properly hydrated. Always drink plenty of water before, during and after your session. Remove all makeup to allow your skin to receive the full benefits of the IR heat during your sauna experience.
It is important to note that if you’re entering a sauna dehydrated and only rehydrate after your session, sweating will have been impeded. Hence, it’s important to be properly hydrated before you enter the sauna. The same applies to eating sufficient food high in fiber before your session: the body cannot remove toxins through the digestive system if they cannot bind to any fiber, and so preferably including some fiber within every meal of your day is highly recommended for the end result.

While INFRARED sauna on its own provides immense health benefits, dry brushing is an excellent way to enhance these benefits. Also known as skin brushing, or garshana, dry brushing is precisely as the name suggests, it’s the act of running firm bristles of a natural brush across your skin when it’s dry. It is a beauty technique that has been around for ages, and one that you should definitely do before sauna therapy treatments. You also have the option of adding on dry brushing to your sauna therapy service at Facially Skin Bar.
Read more HERE about the benefits of dry brushing and how you can perform this technique at home.

Preferably Exercise Before Your Sauna Session.
Slow cardio exercise, for instance, increases the flow in the lymphatic system by 2-3-fold compared to if you’re idle. The reason for exercise, or just plain movement is important for the lymphatic system because the lymphatic system doesn’t have a pump like the heart for your blood circulation system.
Exercising before you enter the sauna will give you far superior results to exercising after the sauna. The reason for this outcome is that by exercising before you enter the sauna, you’ll aid the mobilization within the lymphatic system. In addition, the infrared light allows you to detox anything in circulation more effectively.
The solution? Perform 20-30 minutes of exercise or movement before your sauna therapy. If you cannot handle (intense) exercise then just walking is an excellent options. Even slow cardio already improves lymphatic function massively so doing something is more important than doing nothing. At Facially Skin Bar, you have the option of adding 10-15 minutes of full body vibration prior to your sauna therapy. Read more about full body vibration HERE.

A sauna wrap is a waterproof tracksuit that will be provided to you for your session.This wrap keeps your body heated and increase sweat while you are immersed in your sauna session. As sweat is produced the heat will evaporate water molecules inside of the wrap, creating a steam-like effect that will act to moisturize, exfoliate and regenerate the dermis resulting in tighter and smoother skin. During your infrared session, the body wrap will warm the body from inside out and accelerate the sweating process to helps you burn fat and calories.

So, you already know that your body detoxifies through your skin. What you might not know is that toxins, if they remain on the skin - will be re-absorbed into the body.
You will be handed an aromatic chilled bundle of disposable towels after your sweat session to wrap up your cool down.
Once you sweat during a sauna session, these toxins remain on your skin. Using a clean towel to wipe these toxins subsequently reduces their presence on your skin during a sauna session.
When you finish your sauna session, you will continue to perspire as your body naturally cools down.Refresh and revive with the provided eucalyptus or aromatic chilled towel.
Your body just flushed out a lot of toxins. Be sure to replenish and rehydrate—our fridge is stocked with a variety of alkaline and coconut water as well as other nutrient dense beverages that can be provided to you before, during, and after your session.

In addition to color therapy, meditation is a technique that has been used for thousands of years to promote inner peace, reduce stress, and increase overall well-being. Music has also been used for centuries to soothe the mind and promote relaxation. When combined, meditation and music become a powerful tool for achieving a more balanced and harmonious life. In this article, we will explore the benefits of listening to meditation music and how it can transform your daily routine.
The goal of meditation music is to create a peaceful and tranquil atmosphere that promotes meditative states of mind. This music can include classical music, jazz, or other genres that are designed to promote relaxation and calmness.
When you listen to meditation music, your brain waves start to slow down, promoting relaxation and calmness. This change in brainwave activity is known as the alpha state, which is associated with a state of wakeful relaxation. The alpha state has several benefits, including an increase in creativity, a decrease in stress, and improved mental clarity.
Research has shown that listening to meditation music can also increase the production of alpha brain waves, which can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. This is because alpha waves are associated with a state of relaxation and calmness, which can help reduce feelings of stress and promote a sense of well-being. During your sauna session, Facially Skin Bar will play select healing frequencies to promote the practice of meditation for a lasting calming effect.

During sauna therapy, don't sweat the temp. You may notice that it takes 10-20 minutes to break a sweat in your first session. This is because our saunas are heating your body directly, passively raising your core temperature 2-3 degrees, rather than simply heating your skin with hot air. This is a defining difference between infrared and traditional sauna.
As your body becomes more accustomed to raising your core temperature on a regular basis, your sweat will become more excessive and start sooner into your session. Perspiration is a wellness experience where the results are cumulative. Therefore, it is recommended that you come in for weekly sessions. The more you come in, the better you will feel. Just like working out or dieting, it will take a few sessions before benefits begin to manifest. Packages are available.

Cardiovascular Issues, Obesity or Diabetes – Individuals suffering from obesity or with a medical history of heart disease, low or high blood pressure, circulatory problems, or diabetes.
Medications – Individuals who are using prescription drugs should seek the advice of their personal physician since some medications may induce drowsiness, while others may affect heart rate, blood pressure and circulation.
Alcohol use increases the heart rate, which may be further increased by heat stress. The use of alcohol, drugs, or medications prior to a sauna session may lead to unconsciousness.
Elderly – The ability to maintain core body temperature decreases with age. This is primarily due to circulatory conditions and decreased sweat gland function.
Chronic Conditions / Diseases Associated with Reduced Ability to Sweat or Perspire – Multiple Sclerosis, Central Nervous System Tumors, and Diabetes with Neuropathy
Hemophiliacs / Individuals Prone to Bleeding
Fever & Insensitivity to Heat
Recent (acute) joint injury should not be heated for the first 48 hours
Metal pins, rods, artificial joints, or any other surgical implants.
Any abdominal surgery, c-section, tummy tuck, or breast augmentation.
Pacemakers / Defibrillators